The tooth fairy called in the co-tooth fairy, who searched on the floor next to the bed, all around the mattress and frame, and under all the stuffed animals. No tooth. Turned on the light, searched again. Thank goodness William is a sound sleeper. Then the co-tooth fairy, wise in the ways of small boys, frisked him. He had put the pill case in his underwear.
The Tooth Fairys replaced the tooth with dollar coins, and replaced the pill case in his underwear. Then turned off the light, left the room, and completely cracked up.
This morning, William was all excited to show us his money, and was so amazed that the tooth fairy had done the switch and the case was still in his underwear!!!! We asked why he had put the case there, was he trying to catch the tooth fairy? No. I just did it.
Now you know he's going to do that for every tooth, and one time, he's going to wake up....
Actually, I thought we'd have a discussion about how if he hides the tooth, the tooth fairy might not bother to leave him anything... he responds pretty well to threats.
I laughed so hard, I gave myself a coughing fit. In fact, I started snickering again on my way into work this morning when I thought about it. Thanks for the great laugh.
Oh lordy-loo. I guess that's what I have to look forward to when The Boy loses his teeth. The girls only go as far as holding their special Tooth Fairy pillows in their arms while they sleep.
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