Sunday, December 9, 2007


As in, hanging on by...

Got two batches of cookies baked today, including the HUGE Molasses Crinkle recipe (almost 9 doz!) and the very tricky Sugar Cookie recipe from my mother's great aunt. They are tender and delicious, with lemon extract instead of vanilla, but it's like rolling out toothpaste. I think I added an extra half-cup of flour, and they were even harder to roll than I remember. Perhaps I was a cup short instead...

Next time I'm adding an extra cup - I think they'll still be good and I won't loose my mind.

I also finished the sign for the Youth Group play. Took me most of the evening yesterday and putting it together took more than an hour after church today, but it's done and it looks pretty good.

So I'm actually on track for my to-do list this weekend. At least, the have-to-do's. The tree still has no ornaments, and my room is still piles of clothes, but there was progress. It's a good thing.


Lisa C said...

When Mom came here for Xmas last year, we decided to make the same sugar cookie recipe. Mom's comment was after so many years of fussing with it, she'd just add flour till it was easy to work with. Still tasted great and was much easier to roll out.

If it's any help, we just bought our tree today so it's out in the garage. I wasn't even sure we were going to bother with that or lights this year.

Jill in MA said...

We just bought our tree today and got it up in a stand with water. As usual, I'm dreading doing the lights, but the rest should be fun with the kids. Steve's away all week, so it's up to me! (In fact, all the decorations are up to me!)
I'm curious to know this cookie recipe, though!

Susan Z said...

I was hoping to make some cookies with the kids when we get there. I think the only decorations that will be out at my house is me finding our stockings and the free Christmas moose and that is it. I will just be excited to have everything out of a storage unit even if they don't get unpacked.