Actually, it has been somewhat quiet with JC gone (yes, I forgot to mention, he's back for another session at the same camp), and with John gone most of the week. We were pretty laid back - William had a day camp all week, and Rachel and I didn't accomplish much.
And then John came home.
Ok, Friday evening we went out to dinner and hung out with friends, but Saturday, ah, Saturday. We had spent much of the evening before debating what we wanted to do on a beautiful Saturday with no obligations. The "we could" list encompassed everything from sitting around watching TV to going somewhere and doing something. If we had been more specific, I suppose we might have done that, but what we did do was monumental.
We cleaned the garage.
Now, we've been parking John's car in the garage for more than a year. But it's little, and we'd kind of filled up the rest of the space, in addition to the stuff that we'd shoved over to make room for the car in the first place. John did probably 80% of the work, the kids were helpful and I did contribute. And we're not actually done yet - the front porch is full of all the various empty bins that got hosed out and weren't dry yet, and a few random things that need decision-making.
But I parked my car in the garage last night. Wow.
I don't have a "before" picture, but I took a few "after" ones!
We have some extra bikes that will go to the consignment sale this fall, and a truly staggering number of plastic bins that will get stacked up when they're dry (it's actually raining today). And of course, lots of random stuff like cat litter buckets (Freecycle, I hope), but really, to get two cars in after one day of work. Wow.
And JC missed it. He'll be staggered - but really really happy he didn't have to help.
That is very impressive (especially because I know what it looked like before).
If we had all that stuff in the after picture in our garage, we wouldn't be able to get one car in! Our garage is so small. We hate that it's so small. Would it have been so hard to build it with a few more feet in each direction???
Nice job, though!
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