Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Animal Farm
Oreo is completely delightful. She talks and squeaks and likes to be petted, although she's a little skittish about us picking her up. So we open the cage door and pet her, and she practically purrs. We're going to go through a lot of baby carrots this week, William has been having them for snacks and sharing with Oreo.
The cats are fascinated.
I can't tell if they consider her prey, or if she's just triggering that "curiosity" gene all cats seem to have. But they have spent a LOT of time watching her, and poking a paw in the cage, and sitting on top of the cage. They'll lose interest for a while, then they're back, trying to figure out what this thing is.
Oreo is unfazed by the attention. Even when they stick a paw in, or sit on the cage, she seems unconcerned (although she stays out of reach). She's got a little house to hide in, but she really seems thoroughly complacent about these predators hanging out nearby. Is she naive, and unaware they are predators? Does she just have an itty bitty brain and not realize?
Who knows? But it's hugely entertaining for both people and kitties. We're watching WPIG this week - all guinea pig, all the time.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Olympic Hangover
But now it's over. We watched the entire closing ceremony last night, and I let the kids stay up, and even though we deliberately started late so we could skip commercials, the kids wouldn't let me fast-forward through parts of the ceremony last night. So we were all up late last night, and fortunately had nothing planned for today (poor John had to go to work, of course). Now I'm catching up on blogs and the kids are watching TV and it's after 11am already.
We are SO going to be hurting next week when school starts.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Wildlife - the outdoor kind
When I moved here from Idaho, 19 years ago (!!!!), it was not without trepidation. Growing up in the West (and I mean WEST, like, cowboys, cows, wide open spaces), and then going to school on the East Coast makes you very aware of your roots. Like, "this is Ann. She's from Idaho." In my case, that became a very integral part of me. Mountains, camping, knowing about cows and farming (not that my dad was a rancher or farmer). It mostly didn't matter how much I knew, I knew more than those city kids, so I was the de facto expert.
And to move to New Jersey.... New Jersey! Land of highways and oil refineries and "what exit"? You gotta be kidding me! It's amazing what love will convince you to do. I went looking for apartments on a scouting trip in March, and came home in tears, convinced we were doomed to a nasty little hole-in-the-wall in a huge complex of similar "garden" apartments. Fortunately, my husband found someplace better, in a charming town (think "Main Street, USA). We used to walk downtown for dinner every Friday night in the summer. Then we bought a charming little house in the same town, and walked downtown pushing a baby stroller every Friday night.
And now we have moved less than 5 miles away, and we have wildlife. Deer, rabbits, turkeys, foxes, hawks, owls (never seen one, but you can hear them!), and not too far away, bears are occasionally sighted. Not to mention more chipmunks and squirrels than you can shake a stick at. And the random coyote - yes, I'm sure, because I grew up in the West, remember? If I can find the picture, I have a shot of 25+ turkeys roosting on my children's' swing set. Really! I have more wildlife in my backyard here than I ever remember seeing growing up (except for one memorable evening I saw a moose in a field about 2 miles from my house. At first I thought, "that's one ugly horse!" Then I went and got a friend to confirm the sighting).
We've now lived here for 19 years. The long answer is, "I'm from Idaho, but I live in New Jersey." The short answer? "I'm from New Jersey."
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Surgery? What surgery?
When I had my wisdom teeth out in my late teens, I remember crawling down the hallway to get to the bathroom later that afternoon, because I was still nauseous from the anesthesia. And I threw up, at least once. And felt lousy for days. And had obvious bruising and lots of swelling.
Yes, yes, I'm grateful that it's been only a minor speed bump in his summer, and he seems to be recovering very very well, and yada yada yada.
(insert nasal whine) Why can't I ever be the one to have a quick recovery?
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Mostly No Troubles
Waiting and Worrying
Our orthodontist, whom I love, recommended the oral surgeon and speaks highly of him. But it's hard not to worry. Despite the fact that JC is almost as tall as I am, he's still my baby. I want him home and safe - it's that general anesthetic thing, you know? I need to know he's ok, even if that means puffy and sore. I'm just hoping he has a better reaction to anesthetic than I do - I've only thrown up once, but that was enough.
After the events this summer, I'm feeling a little more worried about things that I might otherwise find routine. It will probably wear off, but at the moment, I worry.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Your result for The Perception Personality Image Test...
NBPS - The Idealist
Nature, Background, Big Picture, and Shape
You perceive the world with particular attention to nature. You focus on the hidden treasures of life (the background) and how that fits into the larger picture. You are also particularly drawn towards the shapes around you. Because of the value you place on nature, you tend to find comfort in more subdued settings and find energy in solitude. You like to ponder ideas and imagine the many possibilities of your life without worrying about the details or specifics. You are in tune with all that is around you and understand your life as part of a larger whole. You prefer a structured environment within which to live and you like things to be predictable.
The Perception Personality Types:

Friday, August 15, 2008
Fair Days
Of course, I think the highlight is the food tent. Not as extensive as a state fair, but pretty darn good. They had fried oreos, but I just really couldn't go there. And Rachel got funnel cake that was stone cold and hard. I probably should have taken it back, but the kids ate it anyway. Along with ice cream waffle sandwiches and chicken nuggets and french fries...
I got to watch the finals of the women's all-around gymnastic competition last night, because Rachel was still up with a stomach-ache. I guess that's my silver lining, because I tried to give her Pepto for the nausea and she gagged and threw up. But then she felt MUCH better.
No surprise there. Maybe next time I'll start with that and save some time....
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Is It Really August?
It was too cold to go to the pool on Tuesday. How's that for August!
Except for some rain, JC is probably having good weather at camp - I was actually wondering the other night if he was warm enough, since he elected NOT to take his sleeping bag, just a light blanket. Because, after all, it's August and it's going to be hot.
We did go to the pool today after going to lunch at my favoritest Mexican place ever. Jose Tejas (Route 1 in Woodbridge) has awesome, cheap Tex-Mex food. Generous quantities, huge drinks, awesome salsa and fresh chips (they are not the BEST chips I've ever had, but they're way up there!). (Jill and Julia - it's the same chain as the Border Cafe in Harvard Square!) So we stuffed ourselves, came home, went to the pool, and I don't know how the kids didn't have stomach aches, since I sure would have. I sat on the side in the shade and talked to friends.
I did go in the pool briefly. COLD. William would get out every 20 minutes or so and spend 10 minutes on my lap, wrapped in a towel. Shivering violently. Did I mention that it's August? And supposed to be hot when we go to the pool?
We haven't turned on the A/C since last week. And I haven't wanted to, either. I don't do hot very well, and normally, don't really like August. But this year....this is ok.
Now watch, I'll have jinxed us into two solid weeks of misery.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Who is this person?
I looked up the recycling guidelines for our area, and discovered I had to take off the covers. They were organized by course in those paperboard report covers that have a metal strap that goes through two holes, so the metal and the covers had to come off. So I went through two milk crates full of these things.
I haven't worked in my field in 13+ years. I have a master's in engineering, but these were notes from my undergrad days (also engineering). Of course I had to take a look at the notes, papers, tests, etc. Wow. I was a model of neatness and organization. I remember being almost obsessive about taking notes (probably to the detriment of understanding at some points...), but I don't remember writing this neatly. And I remember NOTHING (ok, almost nothing) of the material. All that math, all that physics, all that chemistry? Gone. When JC hits high school? I may have to re-learn it all with him.
It almost feels like that was a different person. My life, but somebody else, or at least someone who doesn't exist anymore. I am so far removed from that time, that person. It really did feel like someone else did all that work.
And I threw it all in recycling. :)
Feeling Accomplished
Sunday, August 3, 2008
That leaves me with two kids, 10 and under. And William is going to a day camp all week. I'm not sure I've had this much concentrated time alone with Rachel since she was a baby and JC was in preschool.
No, not even then. Should be interesting.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
A Camping He will go...
We've been slugs for the past week and a half, and we're all still just tired. It's been a busy summer.
Feeling like the home stretch, now! School supplies are in the stores!