William had his Kindergarten Graduation on Friday. I actually got there early enough to have front row seats.
They all made pages for a big book about "Next year, I can't wait..." William's page said, "Next year, I can't wait to make new frients."
JC had "Skate Day" on Saturday (in 96 degrees!) They played 10 minute games for a mini-playoffs. He's got that "I'm so cool, I play roller hockey" vibe in this picture.
I think there's still a goofy grin under the face mask, though. But his team did really well, and we have a "real" playoff game tonight. If it's not a million degrees out there. Or pouring rain as the front comes through.
I love the picture of William grinning over everyone else. It is so very "William"
My goodness, JC looks all grown up in his hockey gear!
William is awfully cute! And JC does look totally cool. I can't imagine wearing all that gear in that heat -- ugh!
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