Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Last night was back-to-school night at the Middle School.  Our middle school was originally one of two high schools in town, then as the demographics changed, they added on to the other high school and turned this one into the middle school.  Along the way, there have been a number of renovations and additions to the Middle School to create the spaces they need for the students.

Long story short, there are three 2-story wings off a very loooong central hall (sort of "E" shaped, with a really long spine on the "E").  And of course, whatever classes your child has will be spaced and timed in such a way as to require them to walk the longest distance possible.

So I went to BTS last night for Rachel.  John stayed home to drive to the various activities and wrangle the kids.  At some point in the evening, he texted me, "How is BTSN?".  I texted back, "One more class."  He replied, "Wow-still at it?"

I was walking (fast) down the hall at the time, so I texted my reply to him without looking too hard.

No, I accidentally texted to Twitter.

So the next time something really random pops up on my Twitter feed?  Don't worry that you feel like you missed half the conversation.

You did.


hokgardner said...

I was wondering about the random stairs comment.

Bill said...

At least the kids' middle school arranged the classes in wings by grade! In general most of the kids classes were in one wing. (but it was still a pain at BTS night)