Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Can I just say that the fact that the 20 pounds of tomatoes from last weeks' farm share gave me a paltry 4 quarts of canned tomatoes packed in water (and a quarter of each jar seems to be water) just is totally disproportionate to the amount of effort it took to process the aforementioned 20 pounds of tomatoes?

And Barbara Kingsolver wants me to provide all my family's food this way?



ooolia said...
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ooolia said...

oooh! but they didn't go ka-boom.

Ann in NJ said...

No ka-boom, and they seem to have sealed properly. There was definitly seepage - the recipe said to add salt after the tomatoes, so it was on top of the jar, and all the jars came out with a sort of scummy coating that I think was a combo of tomato juice and salt in the processing water. But the tops are on tight and nothing flexes.

Jenny Woolf said...

I make chutney out of it. Yum! Yes, disappointing the way so many veggies seem to be mostly water when it comes down to it! :)