Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Where Did the Summer Go?

John pointed out last night that I hadn't posted anything since the Fourth of July (which, yes, I was aware of). And now it is halfway to August and we are anticipating Band Camp next week which means Summer is Over.


It's not that we haven't done anything blog-worthy (not that THAT'S ever been a consideration).  But we've been busy, or lazing around and "I'll get to it later" and suddenly, Fall is looming.

What have we done?
Camping (again, just after the Fourth and maybe I'll post some pictures)
Traveling (Seattle and Portland and again, pictures!)
Wisdom Teeth (poor Rachel!)
College visits (a few)
Hanging Out (this would actually be the major category).

So consider this the placeholder - I need to find my camera and get some pictures downloaded and maybe then I'll figure out something to say.

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