But January it is, and I am feeling the holiday rebound. Despite the fact that we kept the holidays pretty simple, I still spent the first two weeks of January feeling like I was recovering. But things are slowly looking up, and i think I am up for Rachel's birthday party at the end of the week. She's inviting a dozen friends for pizza and movies. Given that we survived a previous invasion, we should be ok. But it is time to firebomb the house and get it actually cleaned up.
So since I have so little to actually entertain you with, I give you amusing pictures:
Turns out, if you're cleaning out a cabinet and leave a cat-sized space, you get a cat.
Reliably - he had to make a pretty good jump to make this one. Yes, Rachel is standing, so he jumped almost 5 feet.
And finally, yarn porn. I actually spent some of the weekend updating my stash on Ravelry. And it looked naked without pictures, so I took and uploaded pictures. Not done yet, but did a good chunk.