Thursday, November 1, 2007


I was hoping to have some pictures to upload, but they're in John's camera still. We did have a good day, none of the kids had homework (thank you, teachers!), so we had an early dinner and went over to a friend's house to trick or treat. Now, our neighborhood is lovely and spread out, with most houses on an acre or more. No sidewalks in most places, so walking around our "block" is almost exactly a mile and you get maybe half a bucket of candy. And hilly - feels like uphill both ways, sometimes.

Our friends live in a townhouse in a condo complex. We walked maybe a mile total, all flat, and the kids buckets were overflowing. William was using the helmet from his knight costume for the excess. They had a good time, and I was amazed how much "good stuff" they got. We always go through and pull out the stuff no one will eat (nerds, etc.). But they had almost all chocolate. Excellent! Or as William would say "Awesome!"

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